
Sponsorship of athletes

Athletes have great influence and acceptance within society, thanks to the impact generated by their appearance in the different media due to the interest aroused by the great feats that the vast majority of these athletes undergo.

If you're sportsmanAt Grow Sports we want to get to know you and explore with you the best path to success so that you only focus your efforts and training on what is really important: the competition.

If you are a company, a project such as sponsoring an athlete is an opportunity to associate with differential values ​​such as the capacity for sacrifice, self-improvement and success. Furthermore, the use of the image of athletes is today a claim and an aspirational facet for the majority of society, which is why we encourage activations with these athletes to achieve greater media impact. At Grow Sports, we analyze each case and find the best solution for each need, quantifying the return obtained on investment (ROI) and adjusting the sponsorship policy to the company's global strategy.

Event sponsorship

At Grow Sports we believe that sporting events are the best setting to increase the positioning and notoriety of brands among the public attending these types of actions/days/activations. We analyze your target and find the event that best suits your needs... marathons, golf tournaments, Foot_Golf, triathlons... endless possibilities with a clear objective:

  • Improve and/or build a brand image
  • increase reach
  • Interact with the audience
  • Business opportunities

Success stories


WT 2019 mobile APP

Extremadura Foot_Golf Open 2019

Sports sponsorship: Nicolás García

Creation of the first FootGolf Technology Center in Europe

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